You need money, but where do you get it and when?
Financial help
Do you need money for housing, utilities and food? You don’t live with your parents anymore or have to move out? Are you in debt and don’t know what to do next? Or do you want to find out what financial help may be available for you?
If you are under the age of 25 years, no longer live with your parents and need financial support, you can apply for unemployment benefit II, i.e. basic security.
The requirement for this is that you are able to work and you are available for work at least 3 hours a day. You must also be in genuine need of help, which means you cannot secure your livelihood, or not sufficiently, with your own income or capital and do not receive assistance from relatives or other social benefits. This also applies if your income or unemployment benefit I is too low.
Get in touch with the JUBA contact point to submit an application for basic security. You will arrange an appointment with a personal contact from the employment agency with whom you can discuss your professional situation.
Are you in debt and don’t know where to turn? We will look for the appropriate debt counselling with you.
Are you pursuing in-company or external vocational training in a recognised professional training programme and you already have many responsibilities? Do you have one or more children? Is the apprenticeship forcing you to move, or do you already live with your life partner? You may be eligible for financial support under certain conditions. Contact your JUBA and we will discuss your options with you.
and much more
Contact Information
JUBA Jugendberufsagentur für die Stadt Heilbronn
Rosenbergstraße 50,
74074 Heilbronn
Tel.: 07131 969-777